Great couple to work with! Thanks so much!
I love esessions because it really helps all of us bond and get to know each other especially since we're jointly working to create great images come the Big Day.
Fresh out of Lightroom and Photoshop.
On a side note I just had back to back weddings this past weekend, one of them was on Catalina Island =)
I'm still working on my NY pano's, I haven't forgotten!
Thursday, May 8, 2008
Laura & Isidro eSession
Posted by
Robert Yee Photography
1:12 AM
Labels: esession
Friday, May 2, 2008
NYC Part 3 of 4 & I got a cool new shirt
Day 4 (Sunday):
I’m really hung over and my head is still spinning, but Anand tells me New York is known for there brunch. I’m definitely not really hungry and feel like I need to visit Mr. Porcelain again, but we end up at Eatery. After literally an hour wait we finally get seated. THE FOOD WAS AMAZZZZING I wish I was felt well enough to have taken pictures, but EVERYTHING we ordered was delicious.
I felt like a champ after eating so we took the sub down to World Trade Center. Oh, I mentioned in my previous blog about Sundays in New York. Sundays are like days in California. Really relaxed, slow paced and not many people out. It was a great day cause we weren’t caught in the crowds and got to do things a little slower.
We stopped by Union Square where people were prostesting the Chinese Olympics and continued our way to WTC.
On 9-11-01 I was in bed sleeping and listening to Howard Stern when I heard some yelling and commotion about planes going into buildings. I immediately got up and turned on the TV and watched what changed our entire world. Howard was saying people were jumping out of buildings and I don’t recall seeing it on TV and it was just really hard to imagine that… but when I finally came across real images I was lost with words and emotions… I decided to give you the option of browsing thru the pictures of people jumping
WTC was quite an experience and will always be reminded of it forever with how our world is and will always be. I do have more photos in Day 6 and a couple panos that I’ll post later
Battery Park was COMPLETELY empty. This is why I mention if you go to NY try to have a Sunday in your itinerary so you can just hang out and relax.
Day 5:
I covered north and south today. From Bronx Zoo down to Brooklyn Bridge, Seaport and Wall St, it was quite a day with lots of napping on the subway. The days were getting a lot nicer and really similar to California. I’m a big fan of using clouds in photos to create more texture so if I see clouds I’m gonna shoot something.
I also visited B&H! You HAVE TO GO just for the experience. It’s amazing how things function in there. They have this cart system that runs around the entire store where anything you want to buy gets put into a cart and is sent to the pick up destination. When you buy something you pay at the cashier and then pick up your stuff at the pick up station.
Day 6:
I had to visit WTC because I felt there was still more to be seen like the church across the street that didn’t get damaged. I also went to China town where I had $1 chow mein and .85 cent rice cake… soooo delicious.
Day 7: My final full day.
I was pretty sad that today was gonna be my last full day and wanted to be sure I got all the photography I wanted; which meant it was going to be one of the longest days of my trip (I took 2,434 photos this day).
By 9am I was waiting in line to get on a boat to be shipped to the Statue of Liberty. Around afternoonish I was walking around Brooklyn Bridge, lots of in between stops and by 11pm I was in Time Square finishing my week long stay in what I consider one of the best cities I’ve ever been in.
I really wanted to get in a lot of night photography especially since I didn’t do much during my trip (mostly due to me being scared of getting mugged, but considering I was in TS I felt pretty safe).
Day 8 (Thursday):
Today I was saddened by the reality that my fun and enjoyment had ended, but I did have my final chicken and rice plate from the best cart guy located at 73rd St and Broadway in Jackson Heights.
Thank you Anand for putting up with me for a week; without you I would have never gone to New York. If you’re reading this please support Patel Brother stores if there’s one near you.
Next stop: Anywhere Anand lives.
My next post will be of all my NY panoramas so stayed tuned.
Oh yes I totally forgot, I have a COOL NEW SHIRT!
Order yours here
Posted by
Robert Yee Photography
2:08 AM